Bio-luminescence literally is the production and emission of light from living organisms. Jellyfish, Angler fish, Firefly squid, Glow worms and Fireflies are known organisms that can glimmer in the dark. These animals attracts bacteria to themselves, lives symbiotically where the animal serves as source of transportation while the bacteria help them glow in the dark. 

But, do you know?

Sitting right there in the comer of your room, reading this ridiculous post, you are glowing.

Factually, All animals glows including human, but the lights emitted are 1000 times lesser that what the human eye can see.

This research was made by a team of Japanese researchers led by Masaki Kobayashi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology. They wrote in their study published in PLOS One, with experimental proves that human body glimmers due to the metabolic processes of the body.

This research was carried out under visible light, on men who volunteered themselves as specimens for 3 days between 10am to 10pm. The camera used by Masaki Kobayashi was very sensitive that it could sense the least intense emitted photon perfectly under temperature of 120 degree centigrade. This camera works effectively if it is placed in a lighted room while the specimens are positioned on a bed in a dark room. Every 3hours, the camera records the change in the body. It was noted that, light emitted by human body ranges in intensity periodically. The 2nd image above shows the intensity of photon from 10am to 2pm. The 3rd image shows how intense the photons emitted by the body is during the late afternoon. The research crew observed around 4pm in the evening that human body glow to it full intensity and reduces gradually until 10pm.

Why do human glow?

Spontaneously, we emit photons from our body which are really weak for the eyes to see them. These photons or rays are called bio-photon from a branch of the study "bio-luminescence". Bio-luminescence is the emission of light by living organisms like glow worms, fireflies, etc.   

As a result of biochemical(medicines and food) substances taken into the body, the molecules of the body gets excited due to bio-energy in the presence of oxygen.


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