Researches has shown clearly that the rate of reported abortions yearly grows to almost infinite numbers. Hundreds of thousand abortion cases are reported to  CDC (Center of Disease Control And Prevention) annually from different part of the world. It is a general knowledge to human that abortion is not worthy of being even the last choice of a pregnant mother although people still engage in the act of abortion. Though, everyone have a say on why they chose abortion as a choice.

To avoid being skeptical on reasons ladies abort pregnancy, researches has been done before this article was published. Research showed that many ladies abort pregnancy due to financial issues, shame of having unwanted pregnancy, under age and the one that got me really flabbergasted and interested in this topic was, "Ladies Abort Pregnancy To Grow Larger Breast". Whoa!, I did not see that coming.
How true is that?.
Critical explanations are made in this article, stay tuned.

Most likely knowledge which is still under research is the fact that ladies who abort pregnancy are likely to have breast cancer. This statement is still an hypothesis undergoing tests in research laboratories READ MORE

Do Abortion Really Cause Breast Enlargement?
Growing of pointed nipples is one of the signs a lady is positively pregnant. Medical research by Planned Parenthood, showed that during the first phase of pregnancy formation, number of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in a female body increases and get excited which leads to rapid development of the breast and the projections of nipples. The body senses this change and enhance the production of colostrum that is, the first milk in the breast. This is termed LACTATION.
Lactation is an alien but normal development in a pregnant mother. During this stage, if a woman aborts a pregnancy, the body still senses the presence of the fetus, therefore the hormones responsible for pregnancy developments still continue crawling around the body for about 2 weeks.
The slow sensation of human body system leads to pro-development of the body after the fetus is removed from the body. 
A mother who abort a child tends to show regrets or sense of hatred due to this remnant hormones in her body. She feels nostalgic about the aborted baby because of these hormones are still making changes in her. A study by the International Journal Of Epidemiology reported, there is a cellular connection between the mother and the child while it is still in the womb. This exchange of cells creates memories of an aborted fetus. This knowledge is termed MICROCHIMERISM . 

The International Journal Of Epidemiology narrated that "Microchimerism was discovered in mother who a male chromosome was found in her. The Y chromosomes from a male was discovered in a part of her brain, caused by the cellular exchange of a child she ones aborted."

The researches above explained why some ladies think abortion increases the size of their breast, whereas it is a permanent trauma they are causing for themselves.


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